Richard-harrington-scott-bourne-audience-building-twitter-webinar-224x224Being an independent filmmaker usually requires one to wear a lot of different hats -- not only during the production process -- but also in the arenas of promotion and marketing. It's hard work to build your audience from the ground up, and No Film School has covered this topic in multiple posts that will hopefully make this process somewhat easier and more understandable. But while we have explored audience building on YouTube quite a bit, we haven't really gone into using social networking sites as much. However, in his recent webinar Richard Harrington talked to Scott Bourne -- one of the most followed photographers on Twitter and Editor of -- about the best methods to use for audience building on Twitter.

There are a lot of good tips in this video, but I think the most important points are to be authentic and run your Twitter account the way you think is right and not in a way you think your audience wants (after all, your audience is there because of who you are, not who you're trying to be). I also find it refreshing that Scott urges restraint in utilizing too many social networking sites, and just focusing on those that you find preferable and will reach your intended audience. In essence, investing your time and effort into the consistency and quality of your content rather than the quantity of outlets it goes out to.

What do you think of the tips and strategies Scott laid out? Do you agree with his strategies or are there alternate means of audience building that have worked more effectively in your experience?

Link: Richard Harrington Blog: Using Twitter To Build An Audience