Sopa-fist-4f1634a-intro-thumb-640xauto-29483-224x125As filmmakers, it's in our best interest to stop online piracy. Our livelihood depends on it. So you would think the Stop Online Piracy Act would be in our best interest. But there's a reason so many sites are using today as a "SOPA Strike" -- it's all in the execution. And the execution of SOPA and associated bills like the Protect IP Act, or PIPA, have internet experts worried about the future of the internet as an open platform. Here's Kirby Ferguson with an overview video of what's at stake:

Indeed, the Obama administration understands the stakes:

While we believe that online piracy by foreign websites is a serious problem that requires a serious legislative response, we will not support legislation that reduces freedom of expression, increases cybersecurity risk, or undermines the dynamic, innovative global Internet. Any effort to combat online piracy must guard against the risk of online censorship of lawful activity and must not inhibit innovation by our dynamic businesses large and small.

You've probably already noticed sites like Google and Wikipedia protesting SOPA as part of SOPA resistance day. If you agree that these bills pose a serious threat to the internet as we know it, please take a moment to sign the petition below.

Link: Stop American Censorship

[via Filmmaker Magazine]