A short is a tricky thing. You don’t know how much time or money to invest in such a personal thing that nobody may even end up seeing, so a lot of people don’t even try. The point of this podcast is to get you to stop worrying and just try. 

Perhaps the scariest part of making a short is finding the money to do so. For a lot of filmmakers, this means engaging in the dreaded business of crowdfunding. Like any aspect of making a short film, starting a campaign takes a lot of time and preparation. I'm here to help.

This video, and this campaign, led me to raise over $15,000 to shoot my first short film, but I'd need a lot more help in figuring out how I actually needed to efficiently spend that money. Joining me on the podcast today are my two producers, Justin Fischer and Casey Sincic. 

In this episode we discuss:

  • Preparing for your crowdfunding.
  • Best practices for your Kickstarter campaign.
  • How to create a budget.
  • What resources you'll need to gather before production.
  • How to run a film set.
  • The everyday tasks of a line producer.

Listen to the episode by streaming or downloading from the embedded player above, or find it on iTunes here.

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This episode was edited by Jon Fusco.