Founded by notable independent filmmaker Kentucker Audley, the independent film curation website, NoBudge, remains an invaluable resource for the streaming distribution of award-winning shorts and select features. Many films that have premiered on the site have been covered here at No Film School, either through festival coverage, one-on-one interviews, or first-person filmmaker accounts.

In an effort to draw further attention to the films featured over the past 12 months (192 in total, a new record), NoBudge has announced its annual NoBudge award winners, (one of which, Caroline, we just featured earlier today, and another, Spring, we covered at SXSW in 2017).

"2018 was a big year for us," Audley noted, "increasing our offerings from 54 films (last year) to 192 (this year), and gaining praise from the New York Times, The Guardian and Vulture. We also expanded our live screening series, as we partnered with Nitehawk Cinema to bring live shorts programs and parties to Brooklyn (we also screened at MoMA!)."

As is tradition, we're showcasing the award winners below, along with hyperlinks for how to watch each of them. Alexa Lim Haas's Agua Viva, chosen as Best Film of 2018, can be viewed directly below. 

Spirit of NoBudge Awards: