Everyone wants to write the best screenplay possible. They want their ideas to hit the page, and the screen, and bring them financial security, fame, riches, and probably a Tesla. You want this. I want this. But I am here to tell you there are no shortcuts to getting it. There are no hidden secrets of the trade. 

I'm starting off saying this because I see a lot of people pedaling expensive fixes or tools and it drives me nuts. We've tackled story structure before and one of my favorite blogs ever from Bitter Script Reader actually compiled the most famous story structure tools into one infographic to show how they're all the same. 

Today, I want to show you something different.

We've gone over some terrible writing advice before, and in that article, I said the only important thing is to write a great script. 

This morning, I saw this hilarious tweet and clicked on the image and got an instant migraine. 

So I clicked the link and went down the Story Diamond rabbit hole. 

What is the Story Diamond? 

The Diamond is a structure tool written by a PHD. It takes all sorts of theories and mashed them into one "helpful" shape that allows you to trace your story's beats. It's a cluster of ideas that I could see overwhelming someone looking for answers. 

I don't know anything about Dr. Stanley Williams, the inventor of this maze of death, I think he did this for noble reasons - and maybe the result got more convoluted than he expected. It's my job at this website to work on similar things, so I totally get the idea and intention. You read all these theorems and try to compile them. 

But there's a danger here of selling shortcuts. 

At the end of the day, writing from a theme is all that matters to Hollywood. So use whatever gets you there. 

If you want to, download the Story Diamond here!

Story_diamond__0Credit: Dr. Stanley D Williams

It's right about now that most other websites would try to sell you their much more simple product. And If you read No Film School regularly you know that we give stuff away for free, mostly because most of the people who write here are still in debt from Film School. 

My general advice to you is not to spend money on anyone selling writing secrets. You can learn formatting, outlining, beats, and everything else online for free. There are fabulous websites that give you actual A-list writer advice. 

But as I mentioned, at the end of the day, it's all on you.

Don't pay someone else to give you the same advice. 

Don't look for the best tool.

Just sit and write. 

The structure is a guideline, not a rule. 

Just make the reader want to keep turning the pages. 

What's next? Join our Free Screenwriting Seminar

Come with me on a ten-week journey. I walk you through each page of your script and we talk about what usually happens on each, without pressuring you to follow a formula or a diamond. Also, this course is free. So you can hate it and have zero financial repercussions. You can hate me and troll me on Twitter. It would be mean but you can do it. 

I just hope you sit and write. We need better stories out in the world. 

Click the link to learn more.