Editorslounge-224x122Thanks to your suggestions, I just finished packing the new and diminutive Canon XA10 camcorder (on loan from B&H) to take to NAB. I don't know how many interviews I'll be posting from Las Vegas or how quickly I'll get them online, but I'll be approaching the show with a relaxed demeanor given there are plenty of other great video/DSLR sites that will be covering the show top-to-bottom and I'm perfectly happy to share their coverage. If you're going to be at NAB, please come up and say hi -- I'd love to actually meet folks face to face (I look like this). On to the real news: every year Editors Lounge holds a pre-NAB roundtable wherein post-production pros discuss the latest trends in hardware and software. Here's the very informative session in full:

Part 1 - The New Final Cut

Part 2- GUIs, Crowdsourcing, Outsourcing

Part 3 - Tape, Archive, and Thunderbolt/Cloud Computing

Part 4 - 3D and Q&A

[via ProVideo Coalition]