The Sony F3 has a wealth of image adjustment options, befitting its pro price tag. Users can create custom scene files and upload them via SxS card, and while I'm sure we'll be seeing hundreds of custom styles released in the coming months (none of which have any effect should you shoot in the upgradeable S-Log mode), AbelCine is the first to my knowledge to release ten styles of their own:

At AbelCine we have been making scene files for our clients, designed to both match cameras and create a look. With the wide range of adjustments available in the F3′s picture profile control, I was able to make several looks that you might find useful. Some are aimed at maximizing the range of the camera, while others are aimed at creating a specific look... To load them up, just put the ‘SONY’ folder onto an SxS card and put the SxS card into your camera. Then go to the Picture Profile menu and choose PP Data -> Load in a settings menu.

Link: F3 Scene Files from AbelCine