This Affordable Motion Control Rig Will Seriously Up Your Time-Lapse Game

Cinetics unveils their latest motion-control rig, the Lynx, adding mobile control into the mix.
Credit: Cinetics
Nothing ups your game in time lapse like a move. Whether you're doing a simple track left or right, or mixing in a complicated camera pan and tilt, long time-lapse shots have more punch with camera moves to elevate the material.
Cinetics, based in Austin, Texas, previously helped indie filmmakers add moves to their time-lapse establishing shots with the Axis360 system. Now they're back with the Lynx.
The Lynx is a ready-to-shoot system that doesn't require any of the assembly that was needed with the Axis360, and allows for moves more than twice as fast as the old system, now going up to 2" per second at full speed. In addition, you can do add up to 10 keyframes, allowing for sophisticated shot choreography. To help you coordinate that choreography, the Lynx works with an iOS app to make shot control easier and more intuitive.
Credit: Cinetics
The Lynx isn't backwards compatible with the Axis360 kit without an optional adapter. While Cinetics prides themselves on building on the systems they have in place, to fully develop the Lynx, they needed to start from a clean plate with its design, though it is nice that they offer adapters for previous owners to keep using their gear.
Credit: Cinetics
Pro-orders for the Lynx are available now via Kickstarter for only $1,499. List price will be $1,999 when released this summer/fall.
Tech Specs:
- 3 motors per controller
- 10+ keyframes
- Mobile app
- Save and preset moves
- 24" carbon fiber rods, extendable to 48"
- 24 bearings per motor
- 2" per second move speed
- 12.5lb total weight for 3-axis kit