Finish That Rewrite: 2013 Academy Nicholl Fellowships Regular Deadline is April 10
This is a combination PSA/light a fire under your a** post to make sure you are writing, rewriting, and rewriting some more to get your screenplay ready for the Academy Nicholl Fellowships regular deadline of Apr. 10. I'll be honest, my latest script will not be ready by that deadline (needs a little more seasoning - okay, a lot more seasoning), but if you've been diligent, hopefully your script will be ready. Otherwise, it will cost you another fifteen bucks for the late deadline on May 1. Check out current stats on this year's competition and details on how to apply below.
According to the Academy Nicholl Fellowships current stats, entries are up over 12 percent compared with the same date last year. If this rate holds, entries could reach 8,100 screenplays, almost 1,000 more than last year. Also, this year, the cap on lifetime earnings from screenwriting has increased from $5,000 to $25,000, so not only will the sheer number of screenplays increase in the competition, but the level of writing could conceivably be better this year with the earnings rule change. So keep rewriting to make your script the best it can be.
Similar to last year, we need more female writers to submit to the competition. To date, female screenwriters make up only a quarter of the submissions. So, to the ladies in the No Film School audience, we want to hear your stories! Please put a dent in that statistic so we can get some new perspectives on the big screen. Actually, this goes for all of the underrepresented voices in film: polish up those scripts and submit your original stories, please!
Here are the deadlines to apply:
- Regular deadline: April 10, 2013, $50 per entry
- Late deadline: May 1, 2013, $65 per entry
For complete rules and FAQ, be sure to check out the Academy Nicholl Fellowships website. To learn more about the history of the Academy Nicholl Fellowships and why you should submit your screenplay, check out our previous post announcing this year's competition.
Are you submitting a screenplay to this year's Academy Nicholl Fellowship? How's your writing/rewriting going? Share with us in the Comments so we can all commiserate encourage.