Video thumbnail for youtube video Dave Dugdale Compares the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera to the 5D Mark III and RED EPIC - No Film SchoolThe new Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera is starting to be reviewed around the web, and this time we've got Dave Dugdale taking a look at just the second camera from the company. Dave compares the Pocket to his Canon 5D Mark III as well as a RED EPIC, and reviews the camera from a learning perspective. Much of the review focuses on the camera's log ProRes shooting mode, but there is also an interesting bit about Magic Lantern later on in the review. Check it out below.

Since RAW isn't out yet for the camera, Dave mentions there will be an additional review when that is enabled:

I know there could be many issues that might arise from allowing third parties to access source code, but it would be a genius move for Blackmagic to do something like that. Not only would it bring back some favor with those who have lost faith that the company can deliver a solid product on time, but it would actually allow Blackmagic to focus on more important things -- like hardware -- that have seemingly given them the most trouble. Without Magic Lantern on the Canon DSLRs, I'm sure many would have already moved on from that company to something more feature-rich.

We can all dream, but there are any reasons why that would not happen, including the fact that code is shared among all of their cameras, and opening up something like that also means your competitors also have access to it. Apertus is attempting to do something like this with their Axiom camera (and a whole lot more), but it's a bit different when profit is an important factor for a business. There are some very simple additions that an open source team of coders would probably be able to solve -- like audio meters and better focus aids. Unfortunately it may take a while for Blackmagic to implement those features, among others. At this point both of their cameras should really have the ability to format cards in the camera, and while it may come eventually, it would be really interesting to see what a worldwide team of dedicated people could do with the hardware.

We'll have our own thoughts on the Pocket camera very soon. Check out more reviews over on Dave's site, Learning DSLR Video.

Link: Blackmagic Pocket Camera Review Compared To DSLR and Red Epic -- Learning DSLR Video