Watch: Learn How to Make a DIY Softbox out of an Old Bike Wheel
Got an old bike lying around collecting dust? Turn it into a super cheap lighting solution.
I bought a bike about a month ago thinking it'd be the perfect way for me to get in shape after my winter hibernation. I've ridden it exactly one time. Honestly, we all probably have a bike that has become a luxury condominium for spiders and dust bunnies, which is why this DIY tutorial is so perfect if you're looking for a cheap way to get your hands on a new lighting solution. Creator Rob Thomas of Prickly Sauce has come up with an awesome way to turn an old bike wheel, a bit of lycra fabric, and an LED strip into a dirt cheap DIY softbox. Check it out below:
Now, don't get scared off by the 13 steps in this tutorial. Yes, there's some wiring and sewing that needs to be done, but if you think about it, Thomas did most of the work for you simply by showing you that a softbox could be made with a bike tire in the first place. If you're not up for a lengthy DIY session, just grab a bike tire, cut out the spokes, and hang some diffusion material over it. After that, it's just a matter of shining a light through it. It may not be quite as effective or durable (or cool) as the one Thomas makes in the video, but it's definitely a solution to consider if you're lacking in the time and budget department.
If you are up for a lengthy DIY session, head on over to Instructables where Thomas offers a supply list and step-by-step guide through the whole process.
Source: Instructables