It doesn't matter whether you’re a novice or a seasoned video editor, you’re sure to learn something new from this collection of Premiere Pro tips. These tricks and tips focus on navigating the interface, trimming, customizing the workspace, and a handful of other helpful topics. Let’s have a closer look.

1. Zoom to Sequence (\)

It’s easy to get lost in a timeline during the editing process. Perhaps you’re too zoomed in on a clip, or the opposite. A quick way to get your bearings and have a bird’s eye view of your project is to Zoom to Sequence with the backslash (\) key.

2. Maximize Frame (~)

With all of the panels and tools available, Premiere Pro’s interface can quickly become cluttered. Use the tilde key (~) to quickly bring a panel to fullscreen. Premiere will maximize whatever panel your mouse is hovering over.

3. Full Screen (Ctrl+~)

If you would like to fullscreen your image sans panel, hold control while you press the tilde key. This works on both the source and program monitors. However, unlike Maximize Frame, you need to have the panel selected to bring it to fullscreen.

4. Go to Previous/Next Edit (up+down arrows)

A powerful tip, use the up and down arrow keys to quickly jump between edit points on the timeline. Pressing the up key will take you to the previous edit, while down will go to the next edit. The shortcut will only work on targeted tracks.

5. Target All Tracks (Shift)

Track targeting works in conjunction with copy/paste commands, match framing, and go to previous/next edit shortcuts. To turn on track targeting for all tracks, simply hold the shift key as you target a track.

6. Resize Tracks (Shift)

Quickly resize all video or audio tracks by holding the shift key while scrolling your mouse wheel/touchpad.

7. Delete Empty Tracks

Oftentimes you’ll have multiple tracks on your timeline that aren’t being used. To delete these empty tracks, Ctrl or right-click on the track header and select Delete Tracks. Once the dialogue box is open, you can delete individual tracks or just the empty ones.

8. Rename Clip on Timeline

To rename a clip on the timeline, simply select a clip and go to Clip > Rename. The clip name will only change in the timeline, not in the Project Panel.

9. Customize Metadata Display

The Project Panel allows you a plethora of options for categorization via metadata. To customize the metadata you would like to display, Ctrl-click on a column and select Metadata Display. You even have the option to create your own properties.

10. Timecode Display

Premiere gives you a few different timecode display options. Cmd-click on the timecode readout to change the display units. Options include Non-Drop Frame Timecode, Feet+Frames 16mm, Feet+Frames 35mm, and Frames.

11. Quickly Jump to a Time

You can quickly jump to a specific time by manually typing a time in the timecode display. This is a great tool when making precise time-specific edits.

12. Show Keyframes

Working with keyframes in Premiere Pro can take place in the Effect Controls panel or straight in the timeline. To view keyframes of different attributes in the timeline, Ctrl-click the FX badge of a clip and select the attribute.

13. Scale to Frame Size

When working with photographs in Premiere, you can choose to have the photo perfectly fill the frame of your sequence. To do this go to Clip > Video Options > Scale to Frame Size.

14. Ripple Trim (Q and W)

Another powerful shortcut, the Q and W keys allow you to perform ripple trims. These trims allow you to perform quick edits without having to move clips to close gaps. Gaps are automatically closed via the ripple.

15. Isolate Selection (Alt-click)

Use the Alt/Option key to select just audio or video in a linked clip.

16. Duplicate (Alt-drag)

In addition to isolating a clip with the Alt key, you can also duplicate by holding the Alt key while dragging a clip on the timeline.

17. Open in Source Monitor (Ctrl-click)

To open a sequence in the source monitor hold the command key and double click from within the Project Panel. You can also open dynamically linked AE comps in the source monitor. Once in the source monitor, you can add markers and edit points, just as with any clip.

18. Insert Edit (Cmd)

When moving a clip in the timeline, hold the command key to perform an insert edit with your clip. Notice the symbol change as you press the command key while dragging.

19. Rearrange Edit (Cmd+Alt)

If you want to perform a rearrange edit, simply press the Alt key while performing an Insert edit. The edit will simply rearrange the two clips without shifting all of the clips further on down the timeline.

20. Replace (Alt)

Sometimes you want to swap out a clip for something that’s better. You can do this in one easy step without having to delete or change in and out points. Simply hold the Alt key as you drag the new clip into the timeline over another clip.

21. Edit While Exporting

When you export a video from Premiere Pro, you are unable to use the program until the export is complete. Queue up your exports in Adobe Media Encoder, which will take care of the exporting and allow you to keep editing in Premiere Pro at the same time.

22. Reset Preferences (Alt)

To restore your default preference settings, hold the Alt key down when Premiere is launching, and then release when the splash screen appears. Be careful as this can undo most of your customization, however it can solve problems if the program is unresponsive.

What are your favorite Premiere Pro tips and tricks? Share them with us in the comment section!