Get the Most Realistic Explosion Stock Footage at 50% Off
ActionVFX's new 5K explosion elements were shot on a blue background to give you both fire and smoke.

Explosions are some of the most popular elements used in visual effects, but they usually leave a lot to be desired in terms of quality and realism. However, with its newest effects Collection, ActionVFX has not only made some of the most realistic explosion stock footage by retaining smoke in elements but has also fixed many of the more pervasive (and annoying) problems that come with stock effects in general.
Adding to its already massive library, ActionVFX's Explosions Collection contains 75 high-quality, realistic elements in three different categories:
Explosions Vol. 2
This collection contains 25 real gas explosion elements in total, providing plenty of variety in size and shape for you to work with. ActionVFX recorded real-life explosions in 5K at 96fps on the RED Weapon Helium 8K camera in order to attain the highest quality and realism possible. This gives you more than enough latitude to crop in and/or slow down footage for epically explosive shots. Some explosions reach 40 feet in the air, but that's not even the most impressive thing about these elements—it's that ActionVFX's explosions include fire as well as smoke, making them some of the most realistic stock effects out there.
Learn more about the Explosions Vol. 2 Collection.
Aerial Explosions
You can't have an action-packed battle sequence without huge mid-air explosions, and ActionVFX has got you covered with 10 new CG Aerial Explosion elements. These OpenEXR sequences include an RGB pass, a Volume Light pass, and Fire and Smoke passes, which allows users to adjust the lighting of the explosion and isolate not only the volume light source but the fire from the smoke as well. In other words, ActionVFX gives you lots of control over the look and feel of the final image.
Learn more about the Aerial Explosions Collection.
Dust Waves Vol. 2
This Collection of 40 real dust wave elements improves greatly upon its predecessor. Shot from four different camera angles (front, side, top-down, and close-up), Dust Waves Vol. 2 captures the action from different perspectives to give you more options when you head into post. Each dust element varies in density and speed and spreads naturally and provides more depth.
Learn more about the Dust Waves Vo. 2 Collection.
Shot in 5K on the RED Weapon Helium 8K camera
If you know anything about ActionVFX, you know that they don't skimp when it comes to the quality of their elements. Except for the Aerial Explosions Collection, all clips are shot in-camera on RED's Weapon Helium 8K camera in 5K at 96fps, which means there will be plenty of detail and dynamic range to work with when you head into post. You'll be able to crop, add a dynamic color grade, and slow down your footage significantly without having to sacrifice image quality.
The Explosions Vol. 2 and Dust Waves Vol. 2 Collections are delivered in 10-Bit Prores 4444 with Alpha (2K and 4K), along with the original unkeyed 5K .R3D files, while the Aerial Explosions Collection is delivered in OpenEXR and 10-bit ProRes 4444 in 4K or 2K at 30fps. The Alpha Channel is also included in all files.
High-quality, 100% real
ActionVFX does what so many other stock effects companies don't: provide stock elements that are high-quality and 100% real. Each asset, which is captured in-camera on one of the most powerful cameras on the market, is designed to be realistic, unique, versatile, and seamless to allow you not only the freedom to fine-tune your images but to do so with near-drag-and-drop ease. Not only that, but ActionVFX made sure to get each effect from multiple angles and completely within the frame, which means you won't have to spend as much time in post cleaning up messy assets.
If you're interested in getting your hands on these 100% real, high-quality stock effects Collections, ActionVFX is offering them at a special discount for their annual 50% off Black Friday Sale, which runs until Friday, December 1st. Use the code BF2017 to save!
Source: ActionVFX