Tired of Waiting? Linklater Preaches Patience in Your Career
It seems like success happens in Hollywood overnight. And that you have to be related to someone famous or have an inside track to get anywhere. But Richard Linklater has some words of advice about that.
When I started working in Hollywood, seven years ago, I wasn't sure which job would be the one where I broke in. Now, hundreds of jobs later, I'm not sure one will do it. See, from my angle, Hollywood is about sustaining and building. But if you don't want to take my word for it, ask Richard Linklater.
In a recent interview, Linklater talked about how patience is the key to finding a career, and the Royal Ocean Film Society made this animatic to go along with it. Watch the whole thing to get inspired to keep creating.
While we know he brought the film industry to his own town, there was a time when he wasn't sure what he was doing. Linklater audited film classes, read books, and just decided to teach himself what it took to be a filmmaker and a director.
The key to his success is being willing to continue to work. While other people were just taking swings and not learning lessons, Linklater was studying the masters. He called it the "Stanley Kubrick Film School," but what he really meant was he just watched a ton of films and took notes. This informal schooling got him in the right mindset when it was time to make Slacker.
At the end of the day, Linklater wants us to know that there's no specific age or time when you need to have made a film by; just keep learning and being open. When you're ready, you'll be ready.
What's next? Create a beat sheet!
Got an idea and want to see if it's a movie?
Your screenplay is built up of individual story beats that create emotional reactions in the reader and viewer. These beats are based on classic screenplay structure. The beats help guide the character arcs, story structure, and even your elevator pitch. So where do the beats come from? A lot of people find the Save the Cat Beat sheet a little overrated and it seems like every writing website has their own beat sheet template.
Well, I am proud to bring No Film School its own beat sheet template and our readers a free beat sheet they can use to help structure their screenwriting work.
Click the link and get writing!
Source: The Royal Ocean Film Society