Sometimes the best way to get inspired to make your next short film, music video, or video art project is to do a little binge of collected works of artists at the top of their game.

Below, watch some of the most mesmerizing, creative, shocking, sweet, and savory shorts of the past year curated by one of the best websites around for hosting videos and shorts.

"THANK YOU FOR NOT ANSWERING" Directed by Paul Trillo 

"Starfuckers" directed by Antonio Marziale 

"THE SIDEWALK ARTIST" directed by David Velez and Brandon Rivera  

"Sugar Show" directed by Liana Makaryan

"Frimas" directed by Marianne Farley

"When The LAPD Blows Up Your Neighborhood" directed by Nathan Truesdell

"Troy" directed by Mike Donahue 

"Wet" directed by Marianne Bergeonneau, Lauriane Montpert, Melina Mandon, Cloe Peyrebrune, and Elvira Taussac

"backflip" directed by Nikita Diakur