Netflix is always challenging the way we look at conventional streamers. They came up innovating the system, and now they're adding games to the platform, shifting the game again. 

Netflix sent a letter to investors where they stated their intentions.

In the game part, it read, "We’re also in the early stages of further expanding into games, building on our earlier efforts around interactivity (eg, Black Mirror Bandersnatch) and our Stranger Things games. We view gaming as another new content category for us, similar to our expansion into original films, animation, and unscripted TV. Games will be included in members’ Netflix subscription at no additional cost similar to films and series. Initially, we’ll be primarily focused on games for mobile devices. We’re excited as ever about our movies and TV series offering and we expect a long runway of increasing investment and growth across all of our existing content categories, but since we are nearly a decade into our push into original programming, we think the time is right to learn more about how our members value games." 

The immediate impact here is obvious. Netflix is creating something unseen before online. Many have tried but failed in this endeavor, so it cannot be understated that if they crack it, it will be huge. Not only is this a boon for investors, but it's a hit for other streamers, who need to find their limits as well. 

While we don't know how the games will be delivered, it seems like it has to be a mix of streaming and mailing. Although streaming seems the most obvious and most innovative of the bunch. Renting games at the click of a button will change the way the public has access to certain titles. And creating their own games on the platform means lots of opportunities for storytellers to get involved. 

We'll keep you updated as this develops further.