What Was the Biggest Challenge of Ridley Scott's Career?
Ridley Scott went through the same thing you've gone through.
It's hard to imagine that there was a time when Sir Ridley Scott was experiencing the same thing we go through day to day, but even legends have their beginnings.
Scott directed and camera operated on almost 2,000 commercials before he got his first movie. The guy was just working and working, trying to get his start. He knew what he needed—his first movie! But no one was giving it to him. Scott kept at it, kept shooting, and eventually... well, you know the rest of the story.
Like many of us, the most difficult part of his career was getting that first assignment. Once he had that, he devoted himself to the craft even more and carved out a place for himself and his stories.
Check out this video from BAFTA Guru, and let's talk after.
I find Scott's story to be incredibly inspirational. So many of us are working in this industry looking for a taste of being the one in charge. He didn't come from nowhere. He was making commercials but was dying to do anything to make art. One big lesson I think we can take away from this is that Scott created his own company. He had a side hustle that was stable and allowed him to search for projects, but also wait until he got the money to do the right one.
You can feel like the side hustle devalues you. Lots of people want to openly be seen as an artist, but I promise you, if people see a hard worker, they'll see the potential.
So think about what you can do to help bolster the way you're seen, and also make enough money to survive and even do well. That way you can let the world come to you. And when you're ready, you'll have the financial security to take risks and make the right project for you.
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Source: BAFTA Guru