Christmas is over, you guys. What did Santa bring you? If he brought you yet another camera lens travel mug because he forgot that he got his favorite little filmmaker one last year (and the year before that and the year before that), don't just stuff it into the back of the cabinet with your Star Wars thermos and embarrassingly inspirational coffee cup. 

Instead, put your creative DIY brain to good use by following this simple video tutorial from Dave Knop (a.k.a. knoptop), who shows you how to turn your novelty lens mugs into novelty lens desk lamps. Check it out below:

I'm pretty sure that all filmmakers have at least one of these novelty lens mugs. I think it's a prerequisite, actually. My wife and I received hers-and-hers lens mugs as a wedding gift last year, both of which would make excellent desk lights if we didn't use them on the daily. However, if you've got one you don't feel particularly attached to emotionally, drill some holes in it, hot glue some stuff, and boom—your niece or nephew (or your own damn self) is freaking out over their super fab, super kitsch office supply that will shine the inspiring light of cinema on all the work they do from now until the bulb burns out.

Source: knoptop