Check Out This Infographic on Oscar Winners' Best and Worst Films
Which director has the widest range of success to failure?

Everyone has good and bad projects. While you can put all your effort into your work, things don't always turn out the way you want them to. The same goes for Academy Award-winning directors. Sometimes they take home the ultimate glory...and sometimes they do not. analyzed the filmographies of 10 present-day directors with the most Oscar wins per Screenrant. Filmographies were pulled from the director’s IMDb profile, and only films where they are listed as “director” have been included in their analysis.
Then they highlighted each director’s best and worst film according to IMDb ratings, with the following criteria:
- Documentaries, short films, and made-for-TV films have been excluded.
- Films with fewer than 25,000 ratings on IMDb have been excluded.
- In the case of a tie, we highlighted the film with the highest Metascore.
So what was the split?
Take a peek at the infographic and check out the rankings.
Credit: Reviews
So what are we looking at here?
The highest-rated film overall is The Dark Knight (Scoring 9.0) directed by Christopher Nolan, while the lowest-rated film overall is The 15:17 to Paris (Scoring 5.2) directed by Clint Eastwood.
The director with the greatest gap is Steven Spielberg whose best and worst films have a difference between ratings of 3.1.
The director with the smallest gap is Alfonso Cuarón whose best and worst films have a difference between ratings of 1.
I think that while IMDB is not a science, it's interesting to see how the public views the worth of these filmmakers.
One thing I wish we got to see was more of a splatter chart for people who have directed a lot of movies, versus people who have directed very few. For instance, is it fair to have Chazelle on here when his filmography is not even 1/10th of some of the other people in terms of length and numbers?
Regardless, it's interesting to see these movies laid out. I do think if you want to be a cinephile all of them are worth a watch, and this subjective medium does not judge whether or not you'll enjoy them. For instance, I think True Lies is a masterpiece and a ton of fun.
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