5 Upcoming Contests and Opportunities for Filmmakers and Photographers
I always make it a point to say "check out the fine print" when I post contests or other opportunities here, but I owe much of my career so far to grants and other awards. Thus I think many contests are overlooked by the larger filmmaking community - so here are five upcoming contests I've found recently (and be sure to read the fine print if you're planning on participating):
10.29.2010One Life Photo Competition One Life is an international open call for photography that delves into the lives of the global community. Prizes include $25,000 in cash or a "once in a lifetime travel adventure."
11.1.2010Sprint Epic Now Movies Contest Record and submit your original epic mini movie culminating in an epic moment, for an opportunity to win the $25,000 Grand Prize. Judged by Michael Bay, so include explosions.
12.8.2010Tribeca Film Institute Programs The Tribeca Institute has five different grant/mentorship programs with an early deadline of November 8 (final deadline December 8). Grants range from $10,000 - $40,000 and each program has its own requirements. Click on through to explore the different programs.
12.15.2010Karen Schmeer Film Editing Fellowship The Fellowship is a year-long experience that encourages and champions the talent of an emerging editor. It creates opportunities to help cultivate an editor’s artistry and craft, and expand his or her professional and creative community.
OngoingPoptent has a number of ongoing contests for spec ads (wherein you create an ad for a company with a currently-running contest in hopes of getting paid). If you "win," prizes can range from $500 - $40,000.
I've pointed out in the past that I'd like to come up with a more organized system of posting such opportunities, but until No Film School has an actual staff (meaning, more than just one person), this will have to do. Anyone have any others to add?