Element 3D After Effects Plug-In: Free 1.5 Update Released, Plus a Tutorial for Metropolitan Model Pack

If you thought Video Copilot's Adobe After Effects plug-in Element 3D couldn't get any better, then check out the new features the free 1.5 update is sporting: support for importing animated 3D sequences, real-time glow, new particle ordering and repeating options, ambient occlusion improvements, layer grid mode, and more. Feast your eyes on Andrew Kramer's video below for a complete tour of what's new in Element 3D:
In my opinion, the best improvement by far is the ability to import animated 3D sequences, as it makes the creation of basic crowds and flocks a fairly quick and simple task. The additional features for glow effects, fog, and organizing particles are also welcome improvements; granting the user a more precise level of control over particle arrays and the image as a whole. I can only imagine what Kramer has in mind for version 2.0.
Video Copilot also recently released the Metropolitan model pack. In the following tutorial, Kramer shows you how to use Element 3D and the model pack to set up realistic cityscapes:
What do you think of the Metropolitan model pack and the new features in Element 3D's 1.5 update? What sort of features would you like to see in future updates to Element 3D?
[via ToolFarm]