Pick Your Poison: Canon 6D vs. 60D vs. 7D vs. 5D Mark II Camera Comparison
There are many more options for DSLRs and smaller cameras than there ever have been, but there are still a lot of reasons you might want to use Canon's cameras. For one thing, they still take incredible still photos, but on the video side, even while there might be some cameras that resolve more detail or have less aliasing/moire, some of the older releases from Canon still give a great built-in look that doesn't require much work in post (subjective, of course). JJ Kim from Orange Wedding Films recently took a look at the newer full-frame Canon 6D, along with the APS-C 7D and 60D, and the full-frame 5D Mark II. In the video below, JJ compares their features/specs, as well as image quality and low-light/moire performance.
Some more info about the video -- you can skip using the guide below:
00:00 - 06:22 Intro
06:23 - 7:06 30 minute recording time
7:06 - 10:40 Menu items
10:41 - 17:23 Working with an external HDMI monitor
17:24 - 20:04 Moire Test 1 + 2
20:04 - 20:28 - sample clips
20:28 - 23:29 - Low Light with ISO Comparison
23:30 - End - my personal likes and dislikes
All the comparison video was shot on Zeiss 50mm 1.4. EVF segment and sample shot (and wedding clips) were shot on Sigma 24-70 2.8. My dog footage was shot on 6D with Zeiss 35mm 2.0.
No color grading was done in any clips in this video. imported as DSLR footage to Premiere Pro CS5.5, exported to H.264 1080 24P, 7Mbps.
I still like full-frame a lot, even if shooting with an APS-C sensor is much easier on focus, and while shooting with a DSLR can sometimes be a major pain, I think the 30 minute record time combined with the higher resolution HDMI output during recording is a huge benefit to the 6D (since you're stuck with about 20 minutes per clip on the 7D -- not to mention that camera is prone to overheating).
I haven't had the chance to shoot with it yet, but if I was just getting started and looking at a full-frame DSLR, unless you've got another $1,000 or so to spend, the 6D looks like a great option. While the Nikon D800 will resolve more detail and has clean HDMI, and the Mark III won't have any noticeable aliasing/moire (and is getting clean HDMI), the 6D is right up there with the best low-light performers Canon has ever made -- at least a stop better than the Mark III thanks to the lower pixel count.
If you're lighting, it's not an issue, but for people who need a camera that is small and flexible, I think the 6D will be solid. My personal taste if I'm not doing noise reduction is not to go above 1600 ISO with the 60D/7D, and not go above 2500 ISO with the Mark II. From what I've seen of the 6D, I think I would be perfectly fine shooting at 5000-6400 ISO with that camera, which is just phenomenal. With the VAF-6D filter from Mosaic Engineering (which should lessen the effects of moire/aliasing), you should be able to come much closer to the performance of the 5D Mark III for less money.
We've heard rumblings of a 60D replacement and a 7D Mark II, so it will be interesting to see what improvements Canon decides to put in those new APS-C cameras.
Link: Orange Wedding Films -- Website
[via Canon Watch]