Yesterday, we lost David Lynch from this plane of existence, and the world feels a little less weird.

Lynch was a singular voice whose work on screen came from some of the most inventive and engaging screenplays I have ever read. His work is often described as being surreal, dreamlike, and atmospheric.

And I think he was a master of creating mood in every single scene.

Lynch's films are not for everyone, but they leave a lasting impression on those who see them.

I think they're worth reading because of his voice and how the stories pop off the page. You can really get drawn in by his words.

So, without further ado, let's dive in!

(For educational purposes only)

David Lynch Scripts 

There's so much to learn from the screenplay below. Whether it's tackling character arcs, character development, or just setting the tone of a story, the answers lie inside these great Lynch films and TV episodes.

Let me know your favorite in the comments.