Vimeo-on-demand-new-224x173Vimeo's latest advancements come in the form of an optimization of what already exists: their mobile website and On Demand platforms. Boasting that over 1/3 of their monthly traffic can be accredited to their mobile site, the new redesign aims to make it easier for users to find and view content, as well as connect with the community. By the same token, they have also updated the interface for the Vimeo On Demand homepage, making it look and feel a little bit more like platforms we're used to. Click through to see the new improvements.

The old mobile (left) versus new (right) from the Vimeo Blog:


Added functionality to the mobile site includes commenting, following users, mobile-specific profiles, uploading functionality and the ability to edit details and privacy settings on your videos.

The folks over at the Vimeo Blog had this to say about the new On Demand homepage:

Hundreds of VOD works have been uploaded, thousands of purchases made, and a whole bunch of creators have received funds to pour into their next work. And today, we’re making that next work easier than ever to discover. The new homepage is the latest in ongoing updates to our VOD platform, but far from the last. Stay tuned for new ways to discover and enjoy amazing works, and directly support the creators who make them.


Look familiar? As Vimeo poises itself to be a major destination for film, episodic, and video content of all kinds, it's looking to borrow from the navigation scheme of some existing platforms out there.

The evolution that Vimeo has gone through since the beginning is an interesting one to follow, starting out as a simple alternative to YouTube, it now looks like they are really becoming a huge player in how we get access to content.

What do you think about Vimeo's recent advancements? Share with us in the comments below.
