RED Educational DiscountIf you're a student, faculty member, or institution, it has never been a better time to get in on a RED camera system. While there are endless arguments about cameras, if you happen to be looking at RED in particular, the company has begun offering an educational discount on most of their products. If you just finished a movie, ODEMAX, the company working with RED to bring 4K films to the masses, wants to take a look at your film. The company has announced that they are looking to distribute 100 independent films to kick off their service.

Here is Jarred Land on the educational discount:

· Students, faculty, staff, and institutions are eligible to apply for the Educational Program. 
· Sensor upgrades are NOT included
· REDucation attendees will be eligible for educational pricing during the week of their course

· Students/Faculty Members must log in to apply here
· Institutions can contact their reps. or apply here
· RED Educational Program
· Educational Pricing FAQ

You have to sign up for the program to see the discounts -- a post a while back alluded to something around 10% -- but if someone is a student or faculty member, feel free to sign up and let us know what these discounts are in the comments. While you may be too poor to afford a RED as a student, this could be a big deal to schools who want a more professional piece of gear, but could use the discount to round out their packages. Trade-in and Upgrade programs fall outside of the Educational discount, so you won't be able to use the discount for a new DRAGON sensor.

In other news, RED's partner in 4K distribution crime, ODEMAX, is looking for independent filmmakers to submit films for possible distribution through their network.

It look like some have already been accepted to start their own channels, so if you've got something ready, be sure to submit. While I'm sure films shot in 4K have an advantage, as they said above, it's not an absolute requirement.
