What Major Productions Are Using the C-Mount Novo GoPro HERO3 & How Much Might It Cost if Sold?

The GoPro HERO3 is a fantastically useful little camera for getting into all sorts of places, but there are major issues with the amount of control you have over the image. For starters, the camera is not all that usable on certain productions because of its automatic exposure settings. To combat this, Radiant Images, with the help of View Factor, built a custom HERO3 with an interchangeable C-mount called the Novo (not to be confused with the Novo 2K which is confirmed to be an SI-2K). The Novo has already been used on some major Hollywood productions, but if you were interested in purchasing one at some point (since they are currently rental-only), you might be disappointed.
Here's The Hollywood Reporter on the Novo and Novo 2K:
Radiant co-founder Michael Mansouri told The Hollywood Reporter that a prototype of the new 2K version was already tapped for David Ayer's Ten, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.
He added that in addition to Transformers 4, the original Novo -- weighing just 3.2 oz -- was also used for the upcoming film Need for Speed directed by Scott Waugh and lensed by Shane Hurlbut.
If you've had your eye on one but would like to actually have it as part of your gear package, it's unlikely you'll be getting your hands on one anytime soon:
The price may be shocking at first (and it's probably on the higher side either way), but it all comes down to: Time = Money. The hours that go into building these are likely high, as there is a lot more going on than just a simple rehousing. It's not really meant as a camera that you can go out and pick up at Best Buy for those reasons, so it's unlikely that any sort of retail price would ever come into play in the first place. Right now on their website the Novo rents for $295 a day or $885 a week, but it's clear they have the attention of plenty of Hollywood DPs -- and those productions can afford any toys they like.
Link: Radiant Images
[via The Hollywood Reporter]