Indiegogo Partners with IndieReign to Drive Traffic to Crowdfunded Projects
Indiegogo has been a pioneer in the crowdfunding game ever since its launch in 2008. Today they've announced a partnership with the filmmaker-friendly distribution platform IndieReign. The partnership aims to put the spotlight on interesting crowd-funding film projects and offer a seamless transition from funding to distribution. Hit the jump to find out how this news could affect you.
Filmmakers already familiar with Indiegogo will find this a welcome addition to its features.
The way it works is simple: selected film projects on the crowdfunding platform will be featured on the Indiegogo IndieReign Partner Page, boosting visibility due to IndieReign's social channels with "a reach of over 50k indie film enthusiasts." Projects also get "a higher chance of being chosen for the Project of the Week competition, greatly increasing your project views." As a bonus, IndieReign Project of the Week winners receive $100.
From Indiegogo Co-founder Danae Ringelmann:
“IndieReign are one of the leaders in the movement towards a more sustainable independent film industry. With literally thousands of film projects around the globe raising funds each month on Indiegogo, both our organizations are naturally aligned to helping filmmakers succeed."
From IndieReign's CEO David White:
“We chose Indiegogo because they’re not only the world’s largest global crowdfunding platform, but their values align with our own, and this partnership provides a new channel for independent filmmakers to easily make the transition from financing to distribution.”
US-Korean indie Amiss among the first to be featured in the partnership
Projects to make use of IndieReign's reach include the US-Korean film Amiss, in which co-director / co-producer Raoul Dyssell said:
Without IndieReign, Amiss would never have reached the international audience it did, thereby not only reaching our campaign goal, but surpassing it with extra donations, after the campaign had ended, from global supporters who found out about the film on their website.
With curation becoming more and more important when wading through the miasma of available content, I constantly question the quality of curation services. It leads to me ask: who are the people selecting these films? This partnership is more of a "catch-all" solution, allowing even the most questionable projects a brief moment in the spotlight. Is this good or bad? The answer isn't clear, but if the goal to these endeavors is to spotlight independent film as a viable market, I just hope a lot of the content out there doesn't discourage people from putting in the work to find the diamonds in the rough (which there are many).
And if the word 'indie' hasn't been thrown around in this post enough, go here check out other IndieReign-distributed titles that have enjoyed successful crowd-funding campaigns on Indiegogo. IndieReign describes these films as "the best of them," and I think you'll agree that the selects are looking very, very indie-friendly -- in the most vague sense of the word.
Does any of this gives you ideas for your campaign? Email to see how they might help you.
What do you think about this partnership and promotional effort? Share your thoughts below.
Link: Filmmakers: What the IndieReign Indiegogo Partnership Means for You — IndieReign