Led by film color timer Dale Grahn (Saving Private RyanGladiator), Koji Color's goal was to produce highly accurate 35mm film emulation for digital filmmakers. Koji isn't necessarily meant to be a finished grade for your footage, but a starting point that allows you to adjust the look (quickly) as you wish. Here's a bit of backstory from KC's website:

Seeing that film as a medium was facing possible extinction, the Koji team began in 2011 to attempt the accurate preservation of film color. Working with experts around the world and the top film labs in Hollywood, the team was able to preserve six 35mm print stocks, sometimes rescuing film cans from stock rooms at the last possible moment. These recovered film stocks were painstakingly preserved digitally, and are now available for use by digital filmmakers.

Koji includes 6 different film stocks and works with most major NLEs and post programs. It supports footage shot on DSLRs as well larger cameras, like the Alexa, Canon C-series, and more. But, before we get into the technical aspects, take a look at a piece made by filmmaker Paul Schefz using Koji.

Here are a few stills:





You can also try out Koji on your own still images using their web app.

Technical Specifications

  • Works with: Davinci Resolve, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, After Effects, and Autodesk Smoke
  • Supports footage shot on DSLR camera formats
  • Supports log footage, including REDlogFilm, Arri Log C, BMDFilm, BMDFilmV2, Canon C-Log, and Sony SLog3
  • Koji Log takes care of Rec.709 conversion for you -- no need to convert from log to Rec.709 (unless you want to)

Koji on Premiere

Koji Packages/Pricing

  • Koji DSLR: Brings beautiful, highly accurate film color to footage shot on DSLRs. Works with a wide variety of camera formats including Canon DSLRs, Panasonic DSLRs, and Blackmagic cameras (video mode). ($199)
  • Koji Log: Fast, powerful film color for log footage. Designed to work natively with REDlogFilm, Arri Log C, BMDFilm, BMDFilmV2, Canon C-Log, and Sony SLog3. ($299)
  • Koji Studio: Advanced film color for experienced colorists. Includes technical versions of the Koji film stocks with full color separation, as well as DCI-P3 output for Cineon. Includes Koji DSLR and Log. ($799)

Take a look at each Koji suite to see if they're right for your projects, and make sure you check the system requirements. Koji is also giving NFS readers a 10% intro discount on their products. This coupon code is good for just one week (until 10/15): NOFILMSCHOOL1WEEK.

Source: Koji Color