Can Your Comedy Win $2K? Enter ScreenCraft's Comedy Screenplay Contest & Find Out
Entering screenwriting contests isn't just about the cash prizes and awards, it's also about putting your script in front of industry professionals who can take your career to the next level.

That's why ScreenCraft's competitions are great, because they hand-pick judges that can do precisely that, and this year's Comedy Screenplay Contest is no different. Not only has the 1st place prize been upped to $2,000 (you also get phone consultations with Hollywood literary managers and agents, as well as introductions to studio execs and producers), but the jury is absolutely fantastic.
The jury includes:
- Dave Rath, Manager at Generate (clients include Patton Oswalt and Kyle Kinane)
- Rebecca Gleason, Director of Development at Smart Girls (production company of Amy Poehler)
- Olivia Gerke, Manager at 3 Arts Entertainment, the management company behind Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Louis CK, and many more.
- Sean Covel, film producer (Napoleon Dynamite, Beneath, Broken Hill)
- Ben Mekler, staff writer at Nerdist Industries
ScreenCraft is looking for feature-length screenplays that are no longer than 140. Anyone from anywhere in the world can participate as long as they're at least 18 and haven't earned more than $50,000 from professional TV/film writing. The early entry fee is $29, but it goes up to $49 if you enter after February 14th. The final deadline to enter your comedy screenplay is April 11th.
I highly recommend entering this thing, especially since the winners of ScreenCraft's contests tend to go on and do great things. In fact, last year's Comedy Contest winner, Jared Frieder, went on to win the Austin Film Festival's top prize for Comedy, and he was selected as one of The Black List's featured scripts.
For more information, head on over to ScreenCraft's website.