We've already shared part one of Ukramedia and Sergei Prokhnevskiy's After Effects tutorial, and now there is a terrific follow-up video with additional tips:

Here is a list of everything he goes over in the video:

  1. Shift+Parenting Behavior
  2. Layer Selection
  3. Go to Visible Item in the Timeline (J, and K)
  4. Reveal Properties (U, and UU)
  5. Paste Layers at Current Time (CTRL+ALT+V)
  6. Close Other Timeline Panels
  7. Find Missing Footage, Effects, or Fonts
  8. Reveal in Explorer
  9. Copy with Property Links (CTRL+ALT+C)
  10. Center Anchor Point (CTRL+ALT+HOME)
  11. Center in View (CTRL+HOME)
  13. Flexible Masking Options
  14. Bezier Paths for Shape Layers
  15. Reveal in Timeline
  16. Default Render Setting (CTRL+Click on Render Preset)
  17. Set Work Area to Duration of Selected Layers (CTRL+ALT+B)
  18. Delete All Effects from Selected Layers (CTRL+SHIFT+E)
  19. Turn Off All Other Solo Switches (CTRL+Click on Solo)
  20. Reset Rotation and Scale
  21. RAM Preview with Alternate Settings (Shift+0)
  22. Live Text Templates for Premiere Pro

You might have known some (or all) of them before watching the video, but I think it's helpful to have these little shortcuts and tricks when you're working in gigantic programs like After Effects that often let you do the same thing a number of different ways. If you haven't watched it already, here is the first video:

Here are the tips from this video:

  1. Keyframe Velocity (CTRL+SHIFT+K)
  2. Mini-Flowchart (TAB)
  3. Align Tools
  4. Replacing Images
  5. System Color Picker
  6. Render Presets
  7. Cycle Mask Colors
  8. Math
  9. Gradient Overlays
  10. Reverse Keyframes
  11. Expressions to Keyframes
  12. Splitting Layers (CTRL+SHIFT+D)
  13. Guide Layers
  14. Moving Masks (Space bar)
  15. Creating a Motion Path from a Mask
  16. Scaling Multiple Keyframes (Alt+Click and drag)
  17. Copying Paths from Illustrator
  18. Maximize Frame with a Shortcut (~)
  19. Rendering Comps Out of Media Encoder (CTRL+ALT+M)
  20. Close Panel and Frame with a Shortcut (CTRL+W, CTRL+ALT+W)

Source: Ukramedia