Obviously Vimeo's VOD Selling Handbook is geared toward the company's own VOD platform, Vimeo on Demand, which if that's the route you're taking -- perfect! Now you've got a highly detailed and easy to follow guide on how to get your project online and making money on the site. It's a relatively short read at just 14 pages, and it's full of helpful images and graphs for all of you visual learners. (One of 'em, right here.) It also contains several "Pro Tips", which are -- well, they're tips from pros -- many of which are professional filmmakers who have used Vimeo on Demand to distribute their own work. They offer a bite-sized piece of wisdom if you're just looking for a quick skim through the ol' pages.

And if you're thinking this guide can't help you because you're looking for options other than Vimeo on Demand, Vimeo's guide still offers tons of great stuff that isn't exclusively related to their platform. Tips like writing interesting descriptions of your film, making your profile page look inviting, and adding bonus features can easily translate to other platforms that offer similar services.

Check out Vimeo's blog post here to download your very own free copy of Vimeo's Selling Handbook.

Source: Vimeo Blog