In the new series, which he's calling the Weird Lens Challenge, Stern is going to be testing out a range of crazy vintage lenses on modern mirrorless cameras. First up, a Boyer f/6.3 120mm lens, which he removed from a vintage Eastman Kodak folding camera dating back to 1910. Using a combination of lens adapters and a bellows rig for focusing, Stern mounted the lens to his Sony A7II and hit the streets to capture some footage.

Here's what he shot:

And here's what Stern had to say about how he was able to mount this lens to the A7II:

Mathieu Stern Vintage Lens Test

After mounting it with a cardboard piece to keep it tightly blocked in a M42 macro tube, and then screw it on a M42 bellows, the lens was able to focus. Then the bellow was screwed to a M42 to NEX adaptor ring then to the Sony A7II. The lens is incredibly sharp for a 105 years old lady, but it also gives some strange lens flares and light leaks that are pretty dreamy.  

If you're interested in seeing more of Mathieu's Weird Lens Challenge videos, be sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel. And if you've experimented with strange old lenses, be sure to share your experiences, processes, and footage with us down in the comments!

Source: Mathieu Stern