These New 4K Explosion & Fire FX Packs Pick Up Where Others Left Off
If you get the feeling that you've seen the same fiery VFX explosions in films, it's probably because you have.

[Editor's Note: This post was updated in 12/16 to reflect that fact that this product is now available.]
Unless they are creating them from scratch, filmmakers have to rely on pre-made packs to create popular VFX, like explosions and fire, and since there are only so many of these stock effects available, you get a lot of repetition. (This happens a lot with music, too. How many commercials use the same pre-made tracks from GarageBand?)
In an effort to bring more diversity to stock VFX, RodyPolis polled over 300 filmmakers and visual effects artists to find out what was missing, as well as desired, in other stock effects. The result: three action VFX packs that were not only created alongside pyrotechnicians that worked on Transformers 3 and Chicago Fire, but were tailor-made to give filmmakers the features they've wanted for so long.
The RodyPolis ActionVFX Explosion, Fire, and Fireball packs arecurrently available, and offer effects that were shot in LOG at 4K and 2K at 60fps or higher at multiple angles and shot sizes, which affords you plenty of flexibility in post.
Here are some of the key features of the ActionVFX packs straight from RodyPolis press release:
- Effects stay in frame. No cut off at edges: Effects that are cut off are useless for most wide shots, so these ActionVFXTM packs are keeping them all in frame.
- Delivered in 4K and 2K resolution at 60fps o higher: Higher resolution and frame rates allow users to do more with the effects. When it comes to VFX, options are always welcomed.
- Window/Door/Wall fires: Some Fire FX in this pack have window and door shapes. That makes burning a building or house more realistic, and easier!
- Shot in LOG, and properly exposed: Effects that are clipped due to improper exposure offer little flexibility in post. RodyPolis is taking extra steps to insure all footage are properly shot and exposed. Shooting in LOG helps capture more information, which gives users more freedom to manipulate each effect.
- Variety of sizes, angles, and types: Variety was another big request from users, so these effects will vary in size, angle, debris amount, and chemicals used.
After a successful Kickstarter campaign last year, RodyPolis' ActionVFX packs are now available. Find out more at their site.