Herzog's new film explores the origins of the internet, artificial intelligence, and the future of our species in an interconnected world in classic Herzog fashion, speaking to theoretical physicists, renowned hackers, and regular people who have been affected by new technologies in dramatic ways. No Film School was at the Q&A following the screening to compile these notable quotes for your reading pleasure! Whether you are a die-hard Herzog fan, or just curious about his new film, the following quotes should give you something to ponder.

In response to a question from an audience member's use of the word "interviews" in his film:

What I don't like about your question is that you said interviewing. I'm not a journalist. I don't do a catalog of questions.

When asked about current models of film curation like playing at Sundance versus uploading your content online to be curated by all:

Curation is good. Sundance is not that old, but it has in its history achieved a certain quality...Most people screening at the festival are first-time directors with new work. I am an anomaly.

About online distribution:

If an internet company buys this film to distribute, I'll know exactly how many pole clicked and how many people stopped at 12 minutes into the film to go watch Honey Boo Boo. But you have to watch Honey Boo Boo because you have to know what is going on in your world. 

About the importance of print:

Read, read, read or you won't know anything about the world and you will be left out.

When asked about the relationship between religion and technology:

Be equally cautious about either one of them.

When asked about where the origin of what our human desires would be if surrounded by an artificial intelligence that catered to your every need since birth:

[Desire] wouldn't originate from anywhere. I would be a semi-zombie, and I wouldn't want that.

About casting theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss, feature in LO AND BEHOLD, in his next film:

Lawrence Krauss plays a villain. He asked me, "How can I play this villain?" I told him I have played a villain myself in Hollywood, in Jack Reacher, so I know how to be scary. 

Finally, an audience member asked if he thought human contact was necessary for a human to be happy, and he replied:

Imagine a world where there were no women. It would be utterly unbearable. Think of the importance of tactile touch. The smell of the hair of the woman you love, or of a new born baby. It's a privilege and it is priceless.


For more, see our complete coverage of the 2016 Sundance Film Festival.


No Film School's video and editorial coverage of the 2016 Sundance Film Festival is sponsored by Blackmagic Design.