Both fixtures drawing only 9.5 amps means you can plug two of these units into your average 20 amp house circuit in the U.S.. Not only less expensive than their HMI counterparts (for rental and ownership), but have 98 CRI full spectrum color and minimal heat. With a strike time of 30 seconds and a restrike time of 60 seconds, it also gets up and running (and color stabilized) faster than traditional HMIs. If you're thinking to purchase these lights, the WASP is $8,000 and the BEE is roughly $6,500.

No Film School's complete coverage of NAB 2016 is brought to you by My RØDE Reel, Shutterstock, and Blackmagic Design.

No Film School's complete coverage of NAB 2016 is brought to you by My R\u00d8DE Reel, Shutterstock, and Blackmagic Design.

More of No Film School's coverage from the NAB showroom floor: