Watch: The Deeply Passionate Love Affair Between Filmmakers and Camera Bags
This video perfectly captures the love and lust filmmakers have for camera bags.

Filmmakers. Love. Camera bags. We do! While some are all about utilitarian benefits, like plenty of space, pockets, and hidey-holes to store every piece of gear they own, others are all about style, pizzazz, and flare, so when the public sees them wearing it they go, "Damn, where's that filmmaker off to with his fine ass?" Either way, the intense infatuation with these things is undeniable, which is something this video by Fstoppers perfectly illustrates.
Gear Acquisition Syndrome affects so many of us. Maybe you've only got a little problem, like you can't help yourself around GoPro accessories. Maybe your GAS is so severe that you pre-order every popular camera the moment they become available. Still, maybe you're somewhere in the middle—you collect camera bags like they're going out of style (which many times, they are).
You've got your rugged, waterproof backpack that you take with you every time you go hiking. You've got your beautiful leather satchel that acts as the perfect accent piece for your formal attire. And you've got the twenty other bags strewn around your closet that you don't use anymore, but can't get rid of because this one has a special pocket for SD cards and that one has a hard waterproof bottom so you can set it down in the rain and you can't let that other one go because it has those fake blood splatter stains from the time a makeshift squib exploded in your trunk.
Hey, I'm not judging. I've got a stupid amount of French New Wave screenplays sitting on my bookshelf that I've never read because I don't speak French. So, you know, diff'rent strokes.
What is your favorite camera bag? How many have you owned in your lifetime? Let us know down in the comments!
Source: Fstoppers