Wes Anderson's highly anticipated animated film Isle of Dogs is a little over a month away from its theatrical release, which means that fans and cinephiles are already starting to break it down in video essays and supercuts. And because there isn't a full movie available to break down yet, why not take a crack at the trailer?

In this supercut from FilmThought, we get to take a look at the central framing in the Isle of Dogs official trailer, which, if it's representative of the aesthetics in the rest of the film, we're in for another beautifully symmetric Wes Anderson adventure.

And here's the full trailer:

Though Anderson isn't the only filmmaker to utilize central framing (you've got Stanley Kubrick, George Miller, and Paul Thomas Anderson to name a few), he has definitely made it one of the most distinguishable trademarks in his cinematic oeuvre. Anderson without symmetry is Madonna without materials or Prince without leather and lace Edwardian suits. I mean, come on. He's doing it in his CrowdRise campaign video! 

The way Anderson uses central framing isn't only for its aesthetic quality, but for bolstering the comedic nature of his stories by, according to film theorists Kristin Thompson and David Bordwell, creating "humor by means of geometrical tableaus." That's something that even the trailer alone demonstrates in a big way.

Isle of Dogs comes out March 23rd.

Source: FilmThought