The screenplay for Roma relied a lot on memory, love, and family. Cuarón used these pillars of storytelling to attract an audience and premiere his movie on Netflix. But you might be surprised to know Cuarón wrote the movie in just three weeks! 

Today we'll look at an interview with Cuarón and hear about his process. 

Check out this interview with Alfonso Cuarón from BAFTA Guru

One of my favorite takeaways from Cuarón is how he uses memory to inspire his stories. He describes memory as a hall of mirrors you look down. And the reflections are what helped him build his characters. In terms of speed, he wrote the entire screenplay in three weeks. 

What's CRAZY is that he says every first draft takes him about three weeks, otherwise it will take him thirty years. 

Now, that's for the first draft, but he finds something about free writing totally all-encompassing. He loves this process because it leads him to the best screenplay. 

For Roma, he shot the first draft of the script, but the interesting part is that he didn't share it with anyone. He just got on set and let the actors and cinematographer improvise. That's actually terrifying but it did help him preserve the purity of his memory and the flow of the film. 

So, it was basically Spanish Mumblecore. 

How intimidating is that?! 

What's next? Learn every genre

Film and TV genres affect who watches your work, how it's classified, and even how it's reviewed. So how do you decide what you're writing? And which genres to mash-up? The secret is in the tropes. 

Click the link to learn more!

Source: BAFTA Guru