Open Culture ran this story earlier, and it's one of those perfect reminders that there is a fan in everyone. Check out the letter:

That Time A Teenage George R.R. Martin Wrote Stan Lee a Fan Letter, the letterVia Open CultureCredit: Open Culture

The letter to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby from young George R.R. Martin demonstrates his own pure and deep love for the medium. It's the kind of thing that makes creators want to keep creating, and it's a window into how inspiration can fuel a young person into a great career of their own. 

While one might not stop and think about how George R.R. Martin's work reflects The Fantastic Four, it was part of what developed his passion for storytelling. Similarly, a young Stan Lee found his inspiration in the swashbuckling exploits of Errol Flynn. 

We always try to recognize how being a fan can spark the creative process in us all and lead to wholly new and inspired work. 

A reminder that we all start in a similar place.