Imagine Impact Wants to Sell Your Script to Netflix
Want to get your movie made by Netflix? Imagine Impact will help...

Everyone has a dream of seeing their name in lights. And the Imagine Impact program wants to make that dream come true. It's run by Ron Howard and Brian Grazer. Their goal is to find new stories and new voices to promote. What I love about the program is that they pay fairly. Basically buying/optioning your idea and getting it out into the world.
Oh and the application fee?
There isn't one.
It's free. So entry is not barred to anyone.
Now, their initiative has teamed up with Netflix. Imagine Impact has begun its call for submissions under a new deal with Netflix to develop original films from new screenwriters around the world.
According to Deadline, "To date, the Impact program has resulted in 62 developed projects with 22 sold or set up with major studios, networks and streaming services. Netflix last year won a bidding war for Godwin Jabangwe’s Tunga, an original animated family adventure musical inspired by the mythology of the Shona culture of Zimbabwe."
That's a great history of sustained success in a short period of time.
Grazer and Howard wrote a press release publicizing the project.
“Netflix is the most innovative content creation and distribution company of the last decade, leading the way in streaming since 2007 and changing the original content game with House of Cards in 2013. As Impact continues to evolve the way that global talent is discovered, projects are developed and how the creative industry connects, this partnership demonstrates both companies’ commitment to improving the development system in order to generate more original, quality IP to meet the growing demand."
Netflix released its own statement from Netflix Films VP Tendo Nagenda, “Brian and Ron run one of the most creative and forward-thinking production companies in the business. We were excited to extend our partnership to Imagine Impact on this new endeavor. We are looking forward to being a part of this new way stories and talent are discovered and mentored.”
I know I'll be applying, and I hope you do too.