Check Out Some Amazing Stills from Jodorowsky's 'Dune'
As we await the Denis Villeneuve version, let's look back at Jodorowsky's Dune with some incredible photos.

In 1975, visionary filmmaker Jodorowsky set out to create a movie he hoped gave people an LSD trip without the LSD. It would have a massive budget and use every ounce of his creativity and imagination.
This was a less than faithful adaptation of the Frank Herbert classic, Dune.
The movie was set to star Jodorowsky's own 12-year-old son, Brontis, alongside Orson Welles, Mick Jagger, David Carradine, and even Salvador Dali.
Pink Floyd would score the movie and it would feature set design by some of the most provocative talents of the era, including H.R. Giger and Jean 'Moebius' Giraud. was supposed to be as bonkers as it sounds.
There was an epic documentary about Jodorowsky's failed adaptation. Check out the trailer below.
Check Out Some Amazing Stills from Jodorowsky's Dune
If you've seen the documentary, you know they talk about an insane book in it with lots of photos and the plans for the movie. Well, now those photos are available online, thanks to someone who added them all to Google Photo.
They include character designs, posters, script excerpts, and storyboards.
Take a look at a few samples and then follow the link at the end to explore the vision of Jodorowsky.