Lensfinder, a website for filmmakers to sell or buy used cameras, lenses, and filters, has removed its sellers' fees as first reported by ProVideo Coalition. The eBay-styled site has hundreds of offerings in each category that are bought and sold by those in the filmmaking community.

It's founder, Ryan Avery, who was part of the now-defunct Veydra lenses, says the change in fees was prompted by those finding workaround to avoid the selling fees. When the site launched, there was a 4% fee, plus PayPal fees, during checkout. Lensfinder has now dropped the 4% fee, but the PayPal fee still applies.

Lensfinder is popular among filmmakers because of its intuitive search tool that is not found on other sites like eBay. Users can focus a lens search by brand, including Canon, Sigma, Sony, or Zeiss, format, mount type, or by feature. Searches can also be filtered by condition, focal length, and price.

Cameras were added to the site over a year ago and have similar search functions. The same can be said about the available filters. Browsing some of the current camera options... a Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro 4.6K EF is available for only $450, and a Canon C300 Mark II EF is available for $526, which are both solid cameras and a respectable used price.

Lensfinder isn't the first to specialize in selling filmmaking tools. ShareGrid has a large community of buyers and sellers. The same goes for Grid50. While there have been reported scams on eBay, Lensfinder, ShareGrid, and others aim to avoid this with an open door policy on communication.

You can learn about selling on Lensfinder through its support page.