Next Month, You'll Be Able to Livestream on Your Nikon Camera
Compatible Nikon cameras will have the ability to live stream as soon as August.

In August, Nikon will release a beta version of its webcam utility that will allow compatible DSLR and Z series to stream live. The software will initially be made for Windows 10, but having learned from Canon, Panasonic, and Fujifilm, a macOS version is sure to follow.
Nikon cameras will stream either through a USB or HDMI connection, but there's a catch. For now, you'll need to download a third-party broadcasting software to connect to programs like Zoom, WebEx, Twitch, Facebook Live, and Skype. Unlike other companies, who have created software built-in, Nikon is suggesting to use Ecamm Live (Mac), Vmix (PC), SparkoCam (PC), or OBS Studio (Mac/PC).
It's unclear exactly what the Nikon software will be doing since programs like SparkCam can already stream a number of Nikon DSLR and mirrorless cameras. In the video above, Nikon mentions users will have full picture profile control and access to settings, so maybe that's what the webcam utility is unlocking in addition to HMDI capabilities. It's unfortunate since many of the third-party programs come with a cost. OBS Studio is free and is compatible with both PC and macOS, so it might be the best option, and you might not need to wait for Nikon's software to be released. You can find more info about the Nikon webcam utility here.
If you use one of the third-party broadcasting programs with a Nikon camera and have had luck, let others know in the comments below.