Ray Fisher Demands WarnerMedia Reveal ‘Justice League’ Investigation Findings
Ray Fisher was not satisfied with the proceedings.

Four years ago, actor Ray Fisher says he was the subject of discrimination and abuse at the hands of Joss Whedon on the set of Justice League. He called Whedon's behavior “gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable.”
He tweeted out a letter detailing his experiences, which you can read below.
In response to Fisher's allegations, WarnerMedia conducted an internal probe, and in December announced that the “investigation into the Justice League movie has concluded and remedial action has been taken.”
Still, we got no facts from Warner about what went on and how it went down.
WarnerMedia Studios CEO Ann Sarnoff was recently interviewed by Variety and asked about the subject, to which she replied, “Our investigator, Judge Katherine Forrest, has issued statements specifically about (DC Films president) Walter Hamada, saying that there was no evidence of interference by Walter in the investigation. She said that the cuts made in the Joss Whedon version of Justice League were not racially motivated. We took it very seriously, so we hired one of the top investigators out there and gave her a tremendous amount of leeway.”
Fisher didn't think that answer was good enough and took to Twitter to call out the CEO and the company.
In a series of five Tweets, Fisher details some shady practices from WB along with skewering them for not making the findings of the investigation public. Time will tell if we ever hear about tangible instances regarding what happened on set, but it does not seem like this beef is over just yet.
Fisher's definitive thought was this, "Final thought for now: Rather than trying to convince people on what the Justice League investigation DIDN’T find—how about you start telling them what it DID? The public is a lot smarter than what you’re giving them credit for. The proof is there. More soon. A>E."
We'll keep our eyes on this story. Let us know what you think in the comments.