Writers: Get Your Bills Paid! SoCreate Contest Extended!
One deserving screenwriter will win 3 months of paid bills if they promise to write a feature-length screenplay.

What's the one thing that always seems to get in the way of your screenwriting? No, not TV. Not self-doubt. Not procrastination. Wait...having a full-time job and earning money to pay for bills? Yes! That thing.
SoCreate is hoping to take that pressure off of one very lucky screenwriter with the “So, Write Your Bills Away” Sweepstakes, which will award $3,000 per month for three months to one lucky writer to cover average monthly expenses for rent, utilities, car payments, groceries, etc. In exchange, the writer will be held accountable for finishing a 90-120-page script. The screenwriter will also provide brief blog or vlog check-ins weekly, so the writing community can follow along with the process.
“There are hundreds of screenwriting competitions, contests, and classes that promise to help launch a screenwriter’s career,” SoCreate founder & CEO Justin Couto said. “But daily, what screenwriters really need is time. It’s incredible–they're working 2, 3, sometimes more jobs–just to juggle expenses and the slight chance that they’ll get a call for a writing gig.”
Couto decided he wanted to make that journey a little easier for one passionate screenwriter who’s working hard to live their dream. “Time is a luxury for creatives,” he added.
To be considered, screenwriters only need to give their email address and a one-sentence answer explaining why they deserve the prize. Top 25 finalists will be required to submit a cover letter, letter of recommendation and screenwriting sample.
The sweepstakes opens today, June 14th, and now closes August 9th, 11:59 p.m. PST. The winner will be announced August 23 following the semifinalist round.
Entries must be submitted here.
Source: SoCreate