SoCreate Wants to Front You $4K So You Can Finish Your Script in 30 Days
Imagine if you could just focus on your screenwriting for an entire month without worrying about bills.

SoCreate’s Founder and CEO Justin Couto is on the hunt for one deserving screenwriter to win a $4,000 cash prize to help ease financial burdens and stress during the global pandemic. The catch? The screenwriter must finish a script in 30 days.
That's a lot of fast writing, but we know you can do it!
“SoCreate was born out of the mission to support writers in any way that’s feasible for us,” Couto said. “Cash helps, yes, but so does the extra push to be creative and execute on that creativity. It’s one way we felt we could make an impact on one deserving writer’s life during this time.”
So what's the deal, I write and you pay?
SoCreate’s Screenwriter Stimulus will award $1,000 per week for 4 weeks to one writer to cover average monthly expenses for rent, utilities, car payments, groceries, etc. In exchange, the writer will be held accountable for finishing a 90-120-page feature-length screenplay.
The screenwriter will also provide twice-weekly vlog check-ins so the writing community can follow along with the process. The final script belongs solely and entirely to the screenwriter.
While it may not be completely feasible for you to take an entire month off work, hopefully, this money can give you some elbow room that allows you to solely focus on getting your idea onto the page.
Remember, it's the first draft so no excuses! Just finish it.
“There are hundreds of screenwriting competitions, contests, and classes that promise to help launch a screenwriter’s career,” Couto said. “But right now, we’re seeing screenwriters struggle to make ends meet, and it’s tough if not impossible to be creative under that kind of pressure. We can’t put a price on hope, but we hope the cash makes this journey easier for someone who deserves a break.”
So, how do you get the $4,000? It's actually pretty easy.
To be considered, screenwriters only need to give their name, email address, and a one-sentence answer explaining why they deserve the stimulus. The Top 25 finalists will be required to submit a 45-second video explaining why they deserve to win, a cover letter, a letter of recommendation, and a screenwriting sample. All entrants will be added to SoCreate’s Private Beta List to get the earliest access to SoCreate Screenwriting Software when it launches.
This is a great deal and doesn't require too much heavy lifting. So, I say go do it!
Get your entry in by September 18, 11:59 p.m. PST. You can submit them here!
What's next? Get our free screenwriting eBook!
So much of what we're talking about on No Film School when it comes to screenwriting is summarized in our new eBook. It also helps guide you through a 10-week writing plan that will get your script actually finished.
Source: SoCreate