Why Remote Sundance is Awesome for Filmmakers and Audiences
Plus: how stealing is wrong... even if "great artists steal."
This week on The No Film School Podcast, we are joined by Oakley Anderson-Moore who gives us the lowdown on Sundance 2021 and its virtual experience, as well as her favorite films of the fest—and of course the record-breaking sale of CODA.
We discuss how PA-level crew members are now COVID compliance officers, giving this important task to folks who are unfortunately at the bottom of the film set's food chain.
In Tech News, Charles discovers a file copying app called Levee which at only $4.99 is a must-have.
And for Ask No Film School, we tackle the issue of plagiarism in regards to a recent short film based on an online comic. Enjoy!
Please email us any questions at ask@nofilmschool.com!
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This episode of The No Film School Podcast was produced by George Edelman, Charles Haine and Jeffrey Reeser.