Bh_insights-224x166When I first published my DSLR guide, one of my favorite moments was finding the link posted to a forum, followed by a grizzled veteran's comment to the extent of, "I will not answer anyone's question here unless they go read this guide first." This was exactly what I wanted the guide to be -- a FAQ that would help others get started. Despite weighing in at a hundred-something pages, however, my own guide is far from comprehensive, and in the year since publishing it, a number of other training resources have sprung up (which is not to say that mine was the first). After creating their own HDSLR guide, B&H Photo is now launching an HDSLR training series in conjunction with DP Shane Hurlbut.

Here's the press release for HDSLRHub:

Press Release

Bh-hdslr-235x160Following the successful launch of an interactive online HDSLR guide, B&H has announced the upcoming release of the HDSLR Educational Series for Cinema featuring Shane Hurlbut, ASC. Whether it’s learning about camera settings, or finding out how to overcome challenges with unique workflows, the goal of the series is to provide users insight about this developing toolset.

HDSLR Educational Series for Cinema: Featuring Shane Hurlbut, ASC

As one of the most respected voices in the HDSLR filmmaking community, Cinematographer Shane Hurlbut, ASC takes viewers inside his world of digital cinema in a six-part educational series where he shares his true-and-tried tips and workflows for getting the most out of HDSLRs while avoiding its pitfalls.

The six episodes that will be released are:

EPISODE I:  KNOW YOUR CAMERA – Release Date February 28th


EPISODE III:  LENSES – Release Date March 14th

EPISODE IV:  STARTER KITS – Release Date March 21st

EPISODE V:  WORKFLOW – Release Date March 28th

EPISODE VI:  A NEW LANGUAGE – Release Date April 7th

Education As Part Of B&H DNA

For the past 35 years, B&H has garnered the trust and respect of the photo, video and pro audio communities with a high level of service, fair and honest prices, and a wide variety of in-stock gear. Giving customers added value above and beyond is part of B&H’s core values, so educating customers is a natural part of this core. The HDSLR Educational Series for Cinema featuring Shane Hurlbut, ASC breaks new ground in this effort, with plenty more on the way.

Be sure to check out the trailer and series release schedule at HDSLRHub.