Are These the First Screenshots of the New Apple Motion? And FCP X Ships this Month, Right?
There were no Final Cut Pro X-related announcements among the recent iOS and iCloud-focused Apple updates from WWDC, which was not unexpected (WWDC is not traditionally a film or video event). Except it was originally announced Final Cut Pro X will ship in June, which would mean the much-debanticipated (yes, FCP X hype deserves its own word, a combination of "debated" and "anticipated") software has a scant three weeks to appear in the App Store. Since the original demonstration, videos, and screenshots, we've heard nothing. Then Twitter use BWilks2001 dropped these screenshots, which are reportedly of the new Apple Motion application:
Look at the below and let me know what you think -- real or not? Click for large(r) versions -- the originals are not full resolution.
Some interface elements look a tad strange to me, but that wouldn't explain why someone would go to all the trouble to fake these so close to an official launch. If they're real, then, this begs the question -- what are "Rigs"?
[via AppleInsider]