LiondesktopBecause it doesn't necessarily make sense for filmmakers to upgrade to OS X Lion just yet, I haven't done any testing of this myself. But if anyone running a hackintosh is itching to get their hands on OS X Lion, by partitioning your disk and following these instructions, you should be able to transition to Apple's latest. If and when you do, please report back with your results. Here's how:

  1. Download OS X Lion from the Mac App Store
  2. Head over to tonymacx86 and follow their instructions for using xMove (pictured below)


As I said, I haven't done it (thus the "apparently" in the title), but thanks to the hackintoshing experts at tonymac, there's already a clear set of instructions out there. Anyone have results to report?

Link: xMove + MultiBeast: Install OS X 10.7 Lion on any Supported Intel Core 2 or Core i based PC